This is an arrangement of roses and lilies in a tin container, to allure someone special. This flower is arranged in a box.
Check out our vast fantastic variety of fresh flower arrangements and our baby hampers made by the professional florist in Clayton. Flowers for all occasions, we design the flowers always for fitting your occasions.
Monash Florist is a local florist in Clayton, with free delivery to Monash Hospitals in Clayton, Monash Health in Moorabbin and Dandenong.
Order before 2pm for same-day FREE delivery to the following:
Free delivery to Monash Medical Centre in Clayton & Moorabbin, Monash University, Monash City Council, Casey Hospital, Dandenong Hospital, Jessie Mc Pherson Private Hospital, Kingston Centre, Monash Cancer Centre, Waverley Private Hospital, Monash's Children Hospital Clayton, Corpus Christie Aged Care and CSIRO Clayton.
Free deliveries also extended to Oakleigh, Carnegie, Huntingdale, Noble Park, Springvale, Mulgrave, Mount Waverley, Keysborough, Mordialloc, Mentone, and Chadstone.
Flowers are subject to seasonal availability. If any of the flowers are unavailable, the florist will substitute with a similar flower in the same shape, style and colour. Stem count, packaging and container may vary.